In the face of complicated developments of the Covid-19 epidemic, in order to ensure the academic year plan, the Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology (FAST) organized a graduation defense session for students majoring in Automatic Manufacturing, Industrial Informatics and Software Engineering under the Vietnam-France High Quality Engineer training program (PFIEV) course 2016-2021  in online form for all thematic groups taking place from 16 to 19/6/2021. FAST successfully organized the online graduation thesis defense, meeting the requirements according to Official Dispatch No. 707/BGDĐT-GDĐH dated February 26, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training on guiding the assessment of graduation thesis in the online form in 2021 during the time of the Covid-19 epidemic and the progress of the online protection session are recorded, fully recorded and archived to serve the supervision, inspection and accreditation of education quality where required.

The PFIEV program trains engineers according to French standards, stipulating that students have at least 6 months of internship at enterprises, including an internship and graduation thesis (Stage de fin d'étude) from 4 -6 months must be at the enterprise. Every year, the PFIEV program has about 4-5 internships granted by French partner schools to practice in France in laboratories or companies in France and other countries. Up to now, 100% of students of 3 PFIEV majors have done graduation projects at enterprises, written thesis and presented them in English in front of the Vietnam-France Joint Council - including lecturers from University of Science and Technology - University of Da Nang,  guests from businesses and especially professors from French partner universities (Grenoble INP, Polytech Marseille).

Participating in the graduation thesis defense this year, there are 45 PFIEV students with 26 topics from many different fields such as Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, etc., along with the support and co-instruction of many people, Large domestic and foreign enterprises: THACO Chu Lai; FPT Software; VNPT-IT3; Viettel Business Solutions Corporation - Central Business Center; company Premo Vietnam; TAPIT; EPC Solar; GMO-Z; VNG joint stock company; Code Engine Studio Co., Ltd; NAL Solutions; Ftech AI; Gear Inc.; LOGI Vietfrance in Vietnam belongs to SOGET Company in Le Havre city, France; National Chung Cheng University; Polytech University Marseille;...

The online graduation thesis defense session took place in a serious atmosphere, the students confidently presented their reports in English with convincing arguments, clear arguments, and answers to the questions. Critical and questioning questions from each member of the Council, the students were highly appreciated by the Defense Council for their professional knowledge, communication skills and problem-solving skills. The organization of online graduation protection is a very necessary solution, especially in the context of the current Covid-19 epidemic and is also in line with the trend of Education 4.0, in line with the smart university development strategy of the School.

Sincerely thank the active support of domestic and international partners and businesses for the students of the Vietnam-France high-quality engineer training program (PFIEV), the VN-US Advanced Program; Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology - UD will continue to develop sustainably, meeting the requirements of training high-quality human resources for the country.

Some photos at the defense ceremony:

Trước diễn biến phức tạp của dịch Covid-19, để đảm bảo kế hoạch năm học, Khoa Công nghệ tiên tiến (FAST) đã tổ chức buổi bảo vệ tốt nghiệp cho sinh viên các chuyên ngành Chế tạo tự động, Tin học công nghiệp và Kỹ thuật phần mềm thuộc chương trình đào tạo Kỹ sư chất lượng cao Việt Pháp (PFIEV) khóa 2016-2021 theo hình thức trực tuyến cho tất cả các nhóm chuyên đề diễn ra từ ngày 16 đến 19/6/2021. FAST đã tổ chức thành công buổi bảo vệ luận văn tốt nghiệp trực tuyến, đáp ứng yêu cầu theo Công văn số 707 / BGDĐT-GDĐH ngày 26/02/2021 của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo về việc hướng dẫn đánh giá luận văn tốt nghiệp theo hình thức trực tuyến năm 2021 trong thời gian thời gian xảy ra dịch Covid-19 và diễn biến buổi bảo vệ trực tuyến được ghi chép, ghi chép đầy đủ và lưu trữ để phục vụ công tác giám sát, kiểm tra, kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục khi có yêu cầu.