Threshold of entry quality assurance for PhD Degree
Threshold of entry quality assurance for Ph.D. Degree:
1. For Vietnamese
1.1 Candidates for Ph.D. training must meet the following conditions:
- Having graduated with a master's degree or an undergraduate degree with excellent grades or higher in a relevant discipline, or graduated with the equivalent of level 7 according to the Vietnam National Qualifications Framework in a number of specialized training disciplines suitable to Ph.D training;
- Satisfying the entry requirements according to the training program standards promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training and of the Ph.D training program registered for admission;
- Having research experience demonstrated through the master's thesis of a research-oriented training program, or published scientific articles and reports; or have worked for 02 years (24 months) or more as lecturers or researchers of training institutions, science and technology organizations;
- There is a draft research outline and an expected study and research plan for the whole course;
- The University of Foreign Languages Studies only enrolls students who meet the following conditions:
- Graduated with a master's degree or an excellent undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline;
- Being the author of 01 articles or reports related to the field of study to be published in a scientific journal or in the proceedings of a specialized scientific conference or seminar with peer review;
- Meet points b and d above in this Notice.
1.2 Candidates who are Vietnamese citizens must meet the requirements of foreign language ability as evidenced by one of the following diplomas and certificates:
- An undergraduate degree or higher diploma issued by a foreign training institution, branch of a foreign training institution in Vietnam, or a Vietnamese training institution for full-time learners in the foreign language. outside;
- A undergraduate degree in a foreign language major, granted by a Vietnamese training institution;
- Having one of the foreign language certificates specified in Appendix 1 of this Notice or other foreign language certificates equivalent to level 4 (according to the 6-
- level foreign language competency framework for Vietnam) issued by the Ministry of Education and Training. The announced training education is valid until the date of registration.
- Candidates for Ph.D. training in the English language must have a certificate of a foreign language other than English at an equivalent level as prescribed at Point c of this Clause, or meet the requirements at Point a of this Clause when the language used during the study period is not English, or meet the requirements at Point b of this Clause when having an undergraduate degree in a foreign language other than English.
2. For foreigners
2.1. Admission conditions
Candidates for Ph.D training must meet the following conditions:
- Having graduated with a master's degree or an undergraduate degree with excellent grades or higher in a relevant discipline;
- Satisfy the entry requirements according to the training program standards promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training and of the Ph.D training program registered for admission;
- Having research experience demonstrated through the master's thesis of a research-oriented training program, or published scientific articles and reports; or have worked for 02 years (24 months) or more as lecturers or researchers of training institutions, science and technology organizations;
- There is a draft research outline and an expected study and research plan for the whole course;
- The University of Foreign Languages Studies only enrolls students who meet the following conditions:
- Being the author of 01 articles or reports related to the field of study to be published in a scientific journal or in the proceedings of a specialized scientific conference or seminar with peer review;
- Meet points b and d, as above in this Notice.
2.2. Language conditions
Candidates must have a minimum Vietnamese certificate of level 4 or higher according to the Vietnamese Language Competency Framework for Foreigners and must meet the requirements for a second foreign language specified by the training institution in the Admission scheme, except in the case of being a native speaker of the language used in the Ph.D degree program.